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HomeCE Provider Application

Continuing Education Class Provider Application

$75 per year, $40 initial approval fee per class
Minimum of one class listed.
If your class is not approved, your yearly fee will be refunded.


Class approval will be based on:

  • NBCAAM requirements on subject matter: CE Requirements 
  • Adherence to our scope of practice: Scope of Practice & Code of Ethics
  • Method of assessment
  • Presentation of required documentation to students
  • Instructor qualifications We reserve the right to reassess courses based on our members’ feedback.

Benefits of listing your class with NBCAAM:

  • Marketing exposure
  • Listing on our website with hotlink
  • Newsletter article about you or by you, submit other articles about subjects that can relate back to your course offerings
  • Webinar promotion of classes

Cost of listing your class with NBCAAM:

  • $75 per year (waived for Approved Certification Schools)
  • $40 application fee per new class

How we determine hours granted:

Hours are assigned to one of two categories: Skills or General.

Members are required to take 20 hours every two years, and 10 of these must be Skills.

Skills hours teach either a hands-on skill or assessment skills.

General hours are everything else, for instance business, behavior, skills that are out of scope for a massage or acupressure practitioner but are useful to know about for referral purposes.

In interpreting whether lecture should be considered Skills or General, consider whether the material is essential to perform the skill well. For instance, in a nerve gliding course, a background review lecture on the nervous system as a whole would be General. A lecture teaching the path of the sciatic nerve would be Skills, because that is necessary to know to work with that nerve.

A reasonable amount of homework time may be counted. For reading time, count the time an average person would take to read the material.

Online courses may only count as Skills if the skills are assessed by an instructor; we suggest by case study or video review. Otherwise they will be General.

A course may have hours of both types, for instance a 10 hour course with 7 Skills and 3 General hours.


Application Process:

If you are a Certification School, you are already a member and can start at Step 8. Click "New CE Class Approval - Cert Schools."

For new CE School Providers:

  1. Download and sign the Ethics form. You will need to upload a PDF during the application.

  2. If you are not a Certification School, click "Apply to Provide Approved CE Courses."

  3. Follow the prompts.

  4. Upload Ethics form (must be PDF) at the end.

  5. On the fee screen, ignore Online Proctoring.

  6. Agree to the ethics form.

  7. Pay fee.

  8. For each course, have available to upload as pdf: Syllabus describing hours of course & methods of assessment. Have the link for the course page ready.

  9. Come back to this page and click "New CE Class Approval - CE Providers."

  10. Follow prompts to submit a course.

  11. Pay fee.

  12. Our CE committee will review your course.


New CE Providers (not approved Certification Schools): To apply, use the button "Apply to Provide Approved CE Courses", then submit each course using the "New CE Class Approval - CE Providers" button.

Approved Certification Schools: Do not apply to be an approved CE provider; this is included in your membership. Use the button "New CE Class Approval - Cert Schools" to submit a new class for review.

Contact Us | | 13110 NE 177th Pl #1116 Woodinville, WA 98072